
5 Reasons To Use A Harness Instead Of A Collar On Your Dog

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5 Reasons To Use A Harness Instead Of A Collar On Your Dog

When walking your dog, the decision of whether to use a collar or a harness is critical. The endless colors and styles of personalized collars are hard to resist, but what's best for your dog should be about more than aesthetics. Collars are useful for identifying your dog and securing his or her name tag and registration, but they aren't appropriate in every setting.

When it comes to a regular stroll, a harness is the ideal option for many dogs, and this is why:


1. Improved Control

On the leash, not every dog is a perfect angel. They enjoy diving for surprised birds, lunging at dogs they see on the sidewalk, and attempting to capture the neighbor's cat on a regular basis. They're having a good time, but their raucous behavior could land them in trouble.

Harnesses provide better control of an energetic dog to the person on the other end of the leash. Harnesses direct the dog's full body rather than trying to steer by pulling on the dog's neck. People with large, hyperactive dogs, in particular, benefit from increased control when going through crowded areas with their canines.


2. Prevents Pulling

You should be the one walking your dog, not the opposite. A dog's constant pulling on the leash may turn a simple walk down the street into a strenuous upper-body workout. If you let them get away with it, they'll learn that yanking your arm out of its socket is a good way to obtain what they want. You're having trouble keeping up, but they're moving forward. Harnesses work by redirecting the puller's momentum. When dogs pull against the leash, they learn that the harness will drag them in the opposite direction of their intended destination.


3. Lessens Neck Tension

Injury to your arm isn't your main fear when your dog pulls while wearing a collar. Pulling puts a lot of tension on the dog's neck, which can easily result in an injury. These injuries aren't always evident. It's a slow decline rather than a sharp pain. Excited dogs are too focused on what they're doing to notice that they're injuring themselves. The dog may begin to exhibit mild signals of pain that are actually early signs of a serious problem.


4. The Risk of Escape Artists

Two fingers should be able to fit between the cloth and the dog's body as a general rule for collars. This is to avoid the collar becoming excessively tight and causing harm to the dog. Determined dogs, on the other hand, understand how to make the most of a comfy collar. You're conversing with your neighbor one minute, and your dog is dashing down the street the next after getting the collar up and over his head.

On walks, dogs with thick necks and small heads, as well as dogs who are very wiggly, can readily escape from collars. This obviously poses a threat to one's safety. Harnesses, on the other hand, completely round the body and are securely fastened.


5. Neck Injuries and Respiratory Issues

Any strain on a dog's neck can be uncomfortable, but dogs with existing respiratory issues and neck injuries are especially vulnerable. The dog's windpipe is squeezed by the extra strain around the neck, making breathing difficult. As a result of being led on walks by their collar, many dogs get coughing fits.


It's critical to choose the right type and style of dog harness for your dog in order to get the most out of it. There are many options available, all of which are tailored to dogs of various sizes, personalities, and degrees of training.